Wharton Graduate Class of 1985
Register Now!
May 16-17, 2025
In the spring of 2025, we will be delighted to welcome your class back to campus.
Planning A Reunion Weekend Event?
Read Wharton’s MBA Reunion guidelines to learn about the process and how Wharton can support you.
*Please check this site frequently as events are continually being updated.
Class Reunion Events
Pre-Reunion Gathering: Downtown San Francisco
Thursday, March 13
5:00- 8:00 p.m.
Local Edition, San Francisco, CA
691 Market St, San Francisco, CA 94105
A chance to catch up with old friends and maybe make some new ones - and a warm-up for the Wharton MBA Reunion Weekend in Philadelphia May 16th-18th 2025! We will have a dedicated space in the venue with a partially-hosted bar ($1000 of the tab will be covered!), and hopefully some light appetizers. Organized by the classes of 2005, 2010 and 2015, but open to anyone with a Wharton MBA who wants to come and hang out. Partners/Plus-1s also welcome!
All Class Pre-Reunion Event: Boston
Thursday, March 20, 2025
5:30 - 7:30 p.m.
Level 99 in the Natick Mall
1235 Worcester Street, Suite #3330, Natick, MA 01760
As we approach reunion season, let's gather for an exciting pre-reunion event to reconnect, reminisce, and get into the reunion spirit with all reunion classes in the Boston area! Join fellow milestone reunion classes for a fun-filled evening at Level99 in the Natick Mall. Let's make this a night to remember as we gear up for the reunion festivities. We look forward to seeing you there!
Class Gift Campaign
The Class Gift Campaign fuels the Wharton experience for current and future students, along with alumni benefits such as Lifelong Learning.
Power Wharton and leave a lasting legacy by supporting your Class Gift Campaign — today!
Class of 1985 Goal: $450,000 from 115 donors

Do you have exciting news to share with your fellow alumni? Or would you like to reminisce about your time together at Wharton?
BrightCrowd is a digital scrapbook, where you and fellow members of your graduating class can safely and securely share personal and professional updates, memories, and photographs.

Your Class Liaisons
Helen Formanes
Associate Director,
Alumni Relations
Jamie Lemisch
Senior Associate Director, Classes and Reunions
Ways to Give
Can’t find what you’re looking for? Contact The Wharton Fund at +1.215.898.7868 or whartonfund@wharton.upenn.edu
The University's Tax ID is 23-1352685. The fiscal year is July 1 - June 30.
Wharton External Affairs
Suite 500 FMC Tower
2929 Walnut Street
Philadelphia, PA 19104
Make checks payable to: “The Trustees of the University of Pennsylvania”
Please include your name (and your spouse’s name if applicable), affiliation(s) and how to allocate your gift (ex. The Wharton Fund).