Wharton Graduate Class of 2004

Thank you for joining us on campus for this year's MBA Reunion Weekend!

View Your Class Committee

Planning A Reunion Weekend Event?

Read Wharton’s MBA Reunion guidelines to learn about the process and how Wharton can support you.

*Please check this site frequently as events are continually being updated.

Class Gift Campaign

The Class Gift Campaign fuels the Wharton experience for current and future students, along with alumni benefits such as MBA Career Management and Lifelong Learning.

Power Wharton and leave a lasting legacy by supporting your Class Gift Campaign — today!

Class of 2004 Goal: $750,000 from 250 donors

Total Class Giving: $1,023,659 136.5%
Download A Wharton Background Image
Alumni enjoying a outdoor MBA Reunion event wearing their badges


Do you have exciting news to share with your fellow alumni? Or would you like to reminisce about your time together at Wharton?

BrightCrowd is a digital scrapbook, where you and fellow members of your graduating class can safely and securely share personal and professional updates, memories, and photographs.

Your Class Liaisons

Picture of Molly Unangst

Molly Unangst
Associate Director, Reunion

Picture of Patrick Zeller

Patrick Zeller
Associate Director,
Classes and Reunions