Wharton Emeritus lunch
23 June 2022
Potomac MD
Another successful get together of like minds and appetites! Six of us met at the Hunters Bar and Grill in Potomac MD last week for talk and food. Attendees were myself (John Majane), Jessie Cantrill, Kersey Dastur, Harry Ridenour (slightly blurred out), Ed Dosik, and J. Mills Williams in that order around the table starting with me in the 12 o’clock position from the camera. We missed some regulars but hopefully schedules will cooperate and we will all be back in September. Our next lunch is scheduled for Thursday, September 29th, same place, same time.
It was particularly interesting to listen to folks of diverse professional backgrounds discuss issues of general interest to all of us and in many instances providing specific experience for the discussion. The discussions were wide ranging….cost of college (my first year at Wharton was $1000.00), who’s going to be the next MD governor, taxes and what are we getting for them, the reunion which was apparently well attended, changes in the campus and the neighborhoods we lived in
Philadelphia. The tragedy of West Philly and the University’s effect on it was discussed at length. The campus was seen as magnificent while the city beyond it
has decayed from a decent middle class group of distinct neighborhoods to
a battle ground to the north west. However we all liked living in Philadelphia though two of us had murders in our immediate neighborhood. BTW it was decided that our group should take over since we could readily straighten out the world’s problems.
John Majane
Class Correspondent Wh Gr ’58
7812 Carteret Road