WGES DC Area Lunch – April 11, 2024

WGES Lunch WGES DC Area Lunch - April 11, 2024 Thanks to all whom came Thursday. Included above from the left are Kersy Dastur '71, Barry Gordon '57,Harry Ridenour '65, John Majane '58, J. Mills Williams '71, Jesse Cantrill college. '63, '73 and Mike Harrigon col.'64 '70. Good conversation. Mike Harrigon hasRead More

WGES Spotlight McClain Gordon WG’73

McClain Gordon, WG’73 WGES Spotlight Golden Opportunities After losing touch with his classmates, an emeritus alumnus rediscovers the magic of his fellow Whartonites and their impact on the world McClain Gordon, WG’73 Early on in my first year at Wharton, I had a conversation with my roommate, Barrie Lepley WG73, about what heRead More

Wharton Emeritus Society June 2023 Luncheon

Wharton Emeritus Society lunch June 2023 Wharton Emeritus lunch23 June 2022Potomac MD Another successful get together of like minds and appetites! Six of us met at the Hunters Bar and Grill in Potomac MD last week for talk and food. Attendees were myself (John Majane), Jessie Cantrill, Kersey Dastur, Harry Ridenour (slightly blurred out), Ed Dosik,Read More

WGES DC area luncheon

WGES DC area luncheon WGES DC area luncheon. 9/22/22 Once again six of us got together Thursday, 22 September at the Hunters Bar and Grill in Potomac for a couple of hours of food and talk. We talked mostly of events around our area, the capital of the world. I’m happy to say thingsRead More