Career Development Opportunities

Wharton Graduate Emeritus Society

Career Development Opportunities

Wharton Graduate Emeritus Society

Career Development

Career Planning – nothing is more important to the Wharton Graduate than where their next job will be. WGES members come from well established careers drawing from all business walks of life – from entrepreneurship – to corporate business re: technology/government/finance/education/public service and more. We can help give you guidance in the field of your choice. Contact for more assistance.

WGES Leadership Committee members Eugene Aaron, WG’73, and Maryfrance Davis, WG’70 lead the effort to support two of the many robust programs offered by the School to alumni. First, Lifelong Learning, where members receive online notifications of Wharton Webinars, Conferences, Reunions, Events, Executive Education, and On-Demand Virtual Learning. Late breaking messages are also sent on important topics (health crises, finance, improved lifestyle, plus more.). Stay digital to get on board.

We are also teaming with Wharton MBA Career Management on a number of ongoing initiatives.

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    Connect With Us

    The Wharton Graduate Emeritus Society has group pages on both LinkedIn and Facebook. The purpose of these groups is to bring you current information about the School, and its students, faculty and curriculum as well as to bring you information on what the world is saying about Wharton, and other information of interest to WGES members.

    If you are a member of LinkedIn or Facebook you can search for “Wharton Graduate Emeritus Society” and ask to become a member of one of these groups. You could also email Rick Perkins at and he will invite you to become a member of one of the groups.

    Sign up now, for the below social media pages that have special content just for WGES members.

    Wharton Magazine

    Wharton Magazine serves as an essential connection between the School and its alumni population of more than 100,000 living graduates, with stories about the people and ideas who define the global Wharton community.

    Pennsylvania Gazette

    The Pennsylvania Gazette is the University of Pennsylvania’s alumni magazine. The magazine presents thought-provoking articles and information about the University campus along with alumni notes and comment.

    Wharton Alumni Site

    Wharton offers many ways to connect and engage with the School and fellow alumni. In just a few minutes, hours, or days, you can get involved!

    Penn Alumni Site

    The new alumni community has all of the great benefits of QuakerNet plus so much more! Log In to MyPenn. Connect with Penn Alumni. Stay in touch with your class.

    Update Your MyPenn Profile

    MyPenn is the online directory for University of Pennsylvania alumni. Make sure your MyPenn Profile is up to date!

    Add Class Correspondence

    Find your Class Notes correspondent.

    Email Us

    You can submit questions, updates, photos, and more.

    Create a PennKey

    You need a PennKey to access alumni resources and register for events including Reunion Weekend. Need help? Read our PennKey frequently asked questions