WGES DC area luncheon. 9/22/22
Once again six of us got together Thursday, 22 September at the Hunters Bar and Grill in Potomac for a couple of hours of food and talk.
We talked mostly of events around our area, the capital of the world. I’m happy to say things generally are going well for our group. We are however losing one of our stalwarts, Harry Ridenour who’s moving to join his grandchildren in Roanoke. ROTC at Penn was talked about including the draft deferments aspects of it. Our group is mostly Viet Nam era folks and it was an interesting contrast to the Korean era. I spent (the end of) the earlier war in Dayton, OH while the rest of them experienced southwest Asia though we all got deferments without moving to Canada.
We are planning on getting together in December, Thursday, the 8th, for continued conversation and good food at a reasonable price. Same time, same place.
Pictured from the center are myself in the black shirt, John Majane Wh Gr ’58, Jessie Cantrill Wh Gr ’65, Harry Ridenour Wh Gr ‘65, Mike Harrigan Wh Gr ’70, Kersy Dastur Wh Gr ’71, and J. Mills Williams Wh Gr ;71.
John Majane
7812 Carteret Road
Bethesda MD 20817-1916