There is no doubt you have to perform at work, especially when your company is sponsoring you.

On Coming to Wharton

It hinges on the quality of the education, the intellectual expertise of faculty, lifelong learning opportunities, and the alumni network. It’s the whole experience. I figured that I was only going to do an MBA once in my life so I wanted it to be the very best experience possible.

I’ve had a successful career, but there was so much more I could learn about practical leadership and strategy through an MBA. My experience has been concentrated in business operations. In order to lead disruptive innovation-driven growth and to make the impact I wanted to at my company, I knew I needed to build strategic leadership skills and gain general management capability. That’s exactly what Wharton is allowing me to do – and at an accelerated pace.

One of the first things that attracted me to Wharton was the flexibility of the curriculum. Other EMBA programs don’t have this same level of flexibility or breadth in electives. It has really allowed me to look at where I’m lacking experience and focus on those areas. I’m going to end up with a much more rounded skill set. I’m also learning from my classmates who are from all sorts of industries and backgrounds.

Why I Made the Case for Sponsorship

When seeking sponsorship, I convinced my organization of the value that the program would bring to the company. I explained how I would be taking my skillset to an advanced level in a short period of time. I ensured them of my commitment to and passion for making a difference at the company. And I didn’t have to sell the quality of education because of the Wharton brand.

There is no doubt you have to perform at work, especially when your company is sponsoring you. The bar suddenly goes up and you have to meet those expectations. But as soon as you start, you begin thinking more strategically. You look at business with a much more holistic perspective so you’re able to do more and make a greater impact. I’m much more involved now in developing game-changing strategies for the company rather than just working in my own functional silo. That’s because I’m seeing different perspectives and applying viewpoints from other functions and industries. I now think much more broadly and through a variety of lenses.

What’s Next

Management, I believe, is such an influential profession. If practiced well, it is an occupation that offers limitless ways to help others learn and grow, take responsibility, be recognized for achievement, and contribute to the success of an organization.

In today’s world, organizations need management innovation more than ever, as management paradigms of the previous century centered on control and efficiency no longer suffice. Adaptability and creativity have become the primary drivers of business success. To survive and thrive in this future, companies and management must continuously reinvent themselves. This reinvention through strategic leadership is where I intend to focus my efforts in the years ahead.

Posted: March 18, 2016

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