The Hattersley Society honors alumni and friends who have provided for Wharton’s future through life income, bequest, and other estate and planned gifts.
The Society is named for the late Gordon B. Hattersley, Jr. (1930-2002), who graduated from the Wharton MBA Program in 1954. Co-founder of UTI Corporation, Mr. Hattersley was closely involved in the life of Wharton. He served as a member of the Undergraduate Executive Board for many years, and as a member of the School’s Board of Overseers. His support of Wharton during his lifetime included decades of support of the Wharton Fund and gifts of financial aid for high school students attending the School’s Leadership in the Business World program. He helped Wharton build new, world-class teaching facilities with major gifts to name prominent spaces in the Steinberg Conference Center and in Jon M. Huntsman Hall, spaces named for his father, Gordon, Sr. W’24. Mr. Hattersley’s generous support of Wharton extended after his death. His unrestricted estate gift to the School is the largest such gift in the School’s history.
Qualifications for Membership
We are pleased to include in the Hattersley Society individuals who provide support for Wharton in one or more of the following ways:
- Make a bequest to Wharton through a will or living trust
- Establish a gift with Wharton that provides a stream of payments to the donor for life, such as a charitable gift annuity, charitable trust or pooled income fund
- Name Wharton as owner and/or beneficiary of a life insurance policy
- Name Wharton as a beneficiary of an IRA, 401(k), 403(b) or other retirement plan.
- Make a gift using the IRA Charitable Rollover
- Establish a charitable remainder trust to benefit Wharton
- Make some other form of estate or planned gift to Wharton, such as a gift of a life estate or charitable lead trust.
Membership Benefits
The Hattersley Society is a sister society of the University of Pennsylvania’s Charles Custis Harrison Society, the University-wide recognition program for planned giving donors. Members receive special mailings from the School including Creating Futures, our planned giving newsletter. Hattersley Society members are also invited to annual Harrison Society luncheons, as well as other Schoolwide programs. Most important, members have the satisfaction of knowing that they are helping ensure the future of the Wharton School and benefiting future generations of Wharton students.
Joining The Hattersley Society
To become a member, please contact us regarding the nature of the bequest or planned gift made. Many individuals supply a copy of the specific paragraph or section of a will or trust document that designates his or her commitment to Wharton. All information provided will be maintained in the strictest confidence. If you wish, you may be enrolled as an anonymous member.
Ways to Give
Can’t find what you’re looking for? Contact The Wharton Fund at +1.215.898.7868 or whartonfund@wharton.upenn.edu
The University's Tax ID is 23-1352685. The fiscal year is July 1 - June 30.
Make checks payable to: “The Trustees of the University of Pennsylvania”
Please include your name (and your spouse’s name if applicable), affiliation(s) and how to allocate your gift (ex. The Wharton Fund).
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