Student Support


Students come to Wharton seeking opportunities that prepare them to become the next generation of business leaders. Wharton is committed to recruiting and matriculating the most talented and innovative students who will make a difference across the globe. Financial support plays a significant role in their ability to attend Wharton and maximize their time at the School. You can make a transformative impact on the lives of exceptional Wharton students by establishing and expanding undergraduate scholarships or MBA fellowships.

For more information, please contact
Jennifer Hall, Senior Executive Director, Development   |   +1.215.573.2647

Undergraduate Scholarships

A named scholarship provides support and access to students for whom attending Wharton and the University of Pennsylvania may otherwise be an unbearable financial burden. For many students, financial assistance frees them to participate in immersive and enriching experiences, leadership activities, horizon-expanding travel, and internships that prepare them to achieve their professional goals. Students who receive aid are empowered to choose a career path based on their passions upon graduation, not on their financial obligations.

MBA Fellowships

Wharton’s ability to offer competitive, merit-based financial aid packages allows the School to attract and matriculate the most promising MBA students. In today’s global MBA landscape, top candidates have more choices than ever before. Offering a prospective student a named fellowship award at the time of acceptance signals the School’s belief in their future. Fellowships make Wharton more accessible for students from all backgrounds, give recipients the confidence to enroll at Wharton, and offers the financial flexibility to delve wholly into their MBA experience.

Giving Definitions

 Typically philanthropic commitments are paid over a period of three to five years.

Term Gifts

Term funding provides greater financial support upfront than an endowed gift and funding is spent down over a period of years.

Endowed Gifts

An endowed gift provides sustained funding that transforms a program or initiative. This level of philanthropy enables Wharton to confidently launch new initiatives and plan for future activities or address immediate needs.

Unrestricted Gifts

Unrestricted gifts mean that the donor allows Wharton to be flexible in spending the money. The annual fund, also known as The Wharton Fund, is the School’s unrestricted giving program and it helps the daily operations run smoothly, enabling innovation, and provides growth to our students.

Ways to Give

Can’t find what you’re looking for? Contact The Wharton Fund at +1.215.898.7868 or

The University's Tax ID is 23-1352685. The fiscal year is July 1 - June 30.