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Wharton Stories:
Real Estate
“The faculty are not just experts in their fields; they’re also mentors who want to see their students succeed.” – Brandon Cohen, WG’18
How Two Wharton EMBA Alums Constructed New Business
Students share their perspectives on what it’s like to be Hispanic in The Wharton MBA Program for Executives.
Four Hispanic Student Perspectives At Wharton: The Journey To An MBA
“We have a read to admit philosophy, which means that in every application we are looking for reasons to admit you and not reasons to deny you. We are looking for your best day and not your worst.” – Blair Mannix, Director of Admissions
Application Tips from the MBA Admissions Committee
Nicolle Lee, Vicky Plestis, and Kayla Weismuller (WG’22) share the Wharton resources that furthered their passion for real estate, social impact, and diversity & inclusion.
Paving the Way for More Women in Real Estate
“If you are a smart individual who can detect patterns and opportunities, you don’t need to come from a pedigree to found a startup,” Wharton alum and Steignet founder, A.J. Steigman said.
How a Chess Champion and Wharton Grad Excels at Entrepreneurship
“Despite what school often teaches us, being successful, or in this case, winning Survivor, doesn’t come from being the best, most likable, or the most athletic.”
Kellee Kim, WG’19 Takes on the Challenges of Survivor
Mark Spector, WG’15, uses knowledge and tools from Wharton to negotiate real estate deals and lead development projects for the Port Authority of New York and New Jersey.
How Wharton’s EMBA Program Impacted this Graduate’s Career at the Intersection of Real Estate and Government
Vibhav Jagwani, W’20, E’20, shares his summer internship experience at a startup and how the M&T curriculum helped him prepare.
What This Undergrad Learned About Mortgage Tech While Interning for a Blockchain Startup
After transitioning from consulting to real estate following graduation, Jeff Hedges, WG’15, found that his MBA training and credential helped him move quickly into the C-suite.
Why This CFO Calls Wharton’s EMBA Program a ‘Powerful Credential’
Integrating business knowledge with a liberal arts mindset is helping Dan Ping He, WG’19, towards her goal of enhancing community development through real estate.
This Real Estate MBA Wants to Create Better Affordable Housing
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