The 56th Forum was a resounding success!
Sponsors, speakers, and attendees — thank you for your contributions.

Quick Takes on Big Ideas
3 Sessions You Need to Know About
Watch Session Recordings
Experts from all around the globe took the Forum stage in São Paulo, Brazil. In case you missed it — or just want to revisit your favorite talks — our video playlist offers you a front-row seat.

Wharton in the News
Media Placements
Wharton School faz parceria com ChatGPT e inclui ferramenta no currículo
(Wharton School partners with ChatGPT and includes tool in the curriculum)
Veja Negócios
Para professor da Wharton a IA está longe do aspect psicológico algo importante para as finanças
(For Wharton professor, AI is far from the psychological aspect, something important for finance)

“Brazil is an energy powerhouse, a country with great potential and opportunities. Education is key.”
Roberto Sallouti, W’94
CEO & Board Member, BTG Pactual

“AI can help the ‘unbanked’ who lack access to capital – it will create models to help determine financial need and help close the gaps that exist.”
Rosana Ramos-Velita, G’92, WG’92
President of the Board, Caja Los Andes

“If you are not using AI for idea generation, you are already falling behind.”
Ethan Mollick
Ralph J. Roberts Distinguished Faculty Scholar; Associate Professor of Management Academic Director, Wharton Interactive, The Wharton School
São Paulo By The Numbers
Photos From The Event
Look back at the memories made in São Paulo

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