Wharton women laughing at a Wharton Circles event

About the Program

Wharton Circles is a groundbreaking program designed to facilitate personal and professional connections among Wharton alumni. The school thoughtfully matches small groups that meet once a month, virtually, over the course of six months.

Wharton Circles is More Than a Network

Icon of four white silhouettes representing people, grouped together on a blue circular background. It symbolizes community or teamwork.

Alumni Engaged Since 2019

Icon of a white rocket ship on a blue circular background, representing innovation or launch.

Trained Circle Leaders

A blue circle containing three white dots arranged in a triangular pattern.

Total Circles

Wharton Circles is More Than a Network

Icon of four white silhouettes representing people, grouped together on a blue circular background. It symbolizes community or teamwork.

Alumni Engaged Since 2019

Icon of a white rocket ship on a blue circular background, representing innovation or launch.

Trained Circle Leaders

A blue circle containing three white dots arranged in a triangular pattern.

Total Circles

“Whether we are blazing trails in fields where we were once absent, or using our influence to alter an industry together – alumni are shifting workplace dynamics in new and important ways.”

Dean Erika H. James 

Erika James, Dean of the Wharton School
Erika James, Dean of the Wharton School

“Whether we are blazing trails in fields where we were once absent, or using our influence to alter an industry together – alumni are shifting workplace dynamics in new and important ways.”

Dean Erika H. James 

About Joining a Circle

There are currently two different types of Circles in which alumni can engage with fellow Wharton graduates. While both options offer a chance to expand your personal and professional network and are structured similarly, the focus and demographic differences enable varied experiences.

There are two Wharton Circles experiences to choose from:

Wharton Circles: Women

Wharton Circles: Women create opportunities for Wharton Alumni to foster genuine human connections with peers from different backgrounds, provide a sounding board for ideas, and exist as safe spaces for like-minded individuals to discuss topics relevant to women in their personal and professional pursuits.

Wharton Circles: MBA Reunion

Wharton Circles: MBA Reunion is a pilot program that aims to foster strong personal and professional bonds across reunion-year Wharton MBA alumni. Through small, virtual groups, alumni can share expertise, navigate professional challenges, and deepen their engagement with the Wharton School, culminating in a shared reunion weekend for those who choose to attend.*

*Alumni are not required to attend the reunion to participate in Wharton Circles: MBA Reunion.

Wharton Circles members conversing during a reception at MBA Reunon

Who can join?

  • Wharton Circles: Women are available to all US-based alumni (including women and men) from full-time MBA programs, MBA Program for Executives, and doctoral and undergraduate programs.
  • Wharton Circles: MBA Reunion is available to all alumni worldwide who graduated from the full-time MBA program and are in their first-year post-graduation, celebrated Reunion year, or Emeritus (45+ years out).
Wharton women alumni at a Wharton Circles event

How are Circles formed?

  • Circles are comprised of 4-8 alumni with 1-2 leaders with region and time zone considered.
  • We strive for each Circle to include multiple backgrounds and perspectives. These are not industry-focused Circles.
  • Upon matching, Circle members will decide what day and time to meet. We cannot offer specific time slots.
Wharton Circle member participating in a virtual Circle meeting

What are the expectations for Circle members?

  • Commitment
    • Attend monthly, virtual meetings over the course of six months.
    • Circle meetings are scheduled by each individual group.
    • Stay in touch with Circle members between meetings.
  • Vulnerability
    • Share your personal and professional experiences.
    • Communicate about positive and challenging experiences.
  • Engagement
    • Listen to others’ stories/experiences.
    • Give advice to group members when asked.
Wharton Alumna participating in a virtual Wharton Circles meeting

What is the cost to participate?

  • Wharton Circles are made possible through the generosity of the Susan and Carl Bolch, Jr. Fund.
  • Participant cost is your time and full engagement in your Circle.
Wharton alumni attending a virtual Wharton Circles house

How can I sign up for a Circle?

  • Intake for new Circles occurs in late summer/early Fall.
  • Interested alumni must attend a virtual Open House to learn more about the program and how to apply.
    The Open House event will also cover privacy and engagement protocols upon joining a Circle.
Wharton alumni laughing together at a Wharton Circles event

Who can I contact with questions?

Contact us by email: whartoncircles@wharton.upenn.edu

Wharton Circles

Wharton Circles: Women

    I am...
  • An alum residing in the continental United States.
  • An alum of Wharton’s full-time MBA, MBA Program for Executives, Doctoral, and/or undergraduate program.
  • Interested in discussing topics relevant to women in and out of the workplace.
  • Committed to meeting virtually once a month for six months.
  • Not in my Reunion year.
Wharton Alumnus participating in a virtual Wharton Circle

Wharton Circles: MBA Reunion

    I am...
  • In my Reunion year.
  • An alum of Wharton's full-time MBA living anywhere in the world.
  • Looking forward to connecting with alumni from other class years also in Reunion.
  • Committed to meeting virtually once a month for six months.
  • Not required to attend Reunion in Philadelphia.
*All Wharton Circles participants and facilitators attending MBA Reunion are invited to a special gathering.
Wharton circles members having a meeting in a lounge area

Be a Circle Member

Participant role active contributor to the Circle

Circle participants commit to being fully present and engaged in monthly circle meetings, following the group’s norms and behaviors, and contributing to the group in a meaningful and authentic way. Commitment to the group and processes is a key component and regular attendance is critical to a group’s success.

Wharton Circles members sitting at a round table

Be a Circle Leader

Leadership role ensure Circle meets monthly, set the tone, and guide the group

Circle leaders are referred to as facilitators and are participating members of the Circle. Facilitators are responsible for setting group norms, ensuring that the group meets regularly, and guiding conversations to meaningful outcomes. Facilitators receive training from Wharton and attend meetings throughout the year to be successful in the role.

Circle Program Timeline

Attend an Open House – These one-hour, virtual events are the introduction to Wharton Circles. You will learn important details about the structure of Circles, the intake process, and the matching process. Alumni must attend one virtual open house event to be eligible to participate in the program.

On the intake form, you will select one type of Circle: Women or MBA Reunion. Then, you will select to be a Circle facilitator or participant in your chosen Circle. Please note that Circles are organized by geographic region and intended to reflect demographic diversity, especially age and industry. These are not industry-specific Circles.

Attend an Open House – These virtual sessions are designed to introduce you to Wharton Circles. The link to the intake form to join is shared at the end of the session.

Circles launch and meet monthly for six months as determined by your Circle. Circle facilitators are invited to join three additional virtual meetings between January and May to collaborate and receive additional support.