The Wharton School is the home of leaders.
Wharton prides itself on leading the world in business education. The Wharton Fund prides itself on supporting the resources essential to keeping the School positioned for success.
Hear from Student Leader, Alice Xie, C’14, WG’21 on the impact The Wharton Fund has had on her Wharton experience.
We invite you to join the Benjamin Franklin Society, the leadership circle of The Wharton Fund.
Benjamin Franklin Society members have an outsized impact on reinforcing the core of everything Wharton stands for. It is only with the generosity of our leadership donors that the School is able to thrive today and plan for tomorrow.
Support our Wharton School leaders with a leadership gift today.
“The noblest question in the world is: ‘What good may I do in it?’”
Find Your Giving Level
The Wharton School recognizes the following Benjamin Franklin Society levels:
$1,000+ Young Franklin Society
Eligible for Wharton Graduate Alumni from 2017 to 2021, the Young Franklin Society is for recent graduates who want to start leading the Wharton School right after graduation.
$2,500+ Associate Level
The Associate Level is the entry point to membership and the society’s most popular level.
$5,000+ Fellow Level
The Fellow Level is for donors who wish to take their commitment to the next level. This level is most utilized by those making a sustaining impact with a $25,000 commitment over five years.
$10,000+ Founder Level
The Founder Level is the society’s most rapidly growing level of membership. This level is ideal for those considering a sustaining impact with a $50,000 commitment over five years.
$25,000+ Joseph Wharton Society
The Joseph Wharton Society, named for the School’s founder, is one of the society’s most impactful levels due to the number of members and the generosity of their contributions. This level is ideal for those considering a sustaining impact with a $125,000 commitment over five years.
$50,000+ Anvil Society
The Anvil Society is named after the symbol of the Wharton School, the anvil, in homage to Joseph Wharton’s contributions to the metal industry. This level is ideal for those considering a sustaining impact with a $250,000 commitment over five years.
$100,000+ Dean’s Circle
The Dean’s Society represents a small, elite group of leadership donors who make up less than one percent of all Wharton Fund donors, but whose contributions account for a substantial portion of the fund’s total giving. This level is ideal for those considering a sustaining impact with a $500,000 commitment over five years.
Ways to Give
At this time, we are asking that all checks be sent directly to the bank for processing. Please include your name (and your spouse’s name if applicable), affiliation(s) and how to allocate your gift (ex. The Wharton Fund).
Make checks payable to
“The Trustees of the University of Pennsylvania”
University of Pennsylvania
Office of the Treasurer
PO BOX 71332
Philadelphia, PA 19176-9913
For FedEx and UPS Deliveries Only
University of Pennsylvania
Wharton External Affairs
Suite 300 FMC Tower
2929 Walnut Street
Philadelphia, PA 19104
▼ Appreciated Securities
The transfer of stock from a donor to Wharton is a fairly simple transaction. Morgan Stanley serves as the University’s main brokerage firm. You will need to work directly with your broker to complete a transfer form and initiate a transfer of stock to the University of Pennsylvania. If you hold the certificate, it is best if those certificates remain unendorsed and you complete a separate stock power form authorizing transfer of ownership from the donor to Wharton.
▼ Bank Wires
Send your gift via a bank wire to:
Wells Fargo Bank N.A.
420 Montgomery Street
San Francisco, CA 94104
Account Name: The Trustees of the University of Pennsylvania – Gifts Accounting
Account# 2000030009956
Reference: Name and Affiliation (example: Susan Lee, WG’99)
For Domestic Wires and ACH’s
ABA Routing #: 121-000-248
For International Wires Only
CHIPS: 0407
Beth Truta Morris
The Wharton Fund
Cynthia Orr
Associate Director
MBAs for Executives
Jamie Lemisch
Associate Director
35th-50th Reunions & prior
Full Time MBA Classes:
1986 and prior
Kinjal Mathur
Senior Associate Director
25th and 30th Reunions
Full Time MBA Classes:
Josh Karp
Associate Director
10th, 15th and 20th Reunions
Full Time MBA Classes:
Laurie Rothenberg
Associate Director
1st and 5th Reunions
Full Time MBA Classes:
Ways to Give
Can’t find what you’re looking for? Contact The Wharton Fund at +1.215.898.7868 or
The University's fiscal year is July 1 - June 30. Penn's Tax ID/EIN is 23-1352685.
Make checks payable to: “The Trustees of the University of Pennsylvania”
Please include your name (and your spouse’s name if applicable), affiliation(s) and how to allocate your gift (ex. The Wharton Fund).
Wharton External Affairs
Suite 500 FMC Tower
2929 Walnut Street
Philadelphia, PA 19104
For FedEx, UPS, and DHL Deliveries Only
Wharton External Affairs
Suite 300 FMC Tower
2929 Walnut Street
Philadelphia, PA 19104