Frequently Asked Questions
Are you ready to activate your connection to Wharton as an alumnus or perhaps even further increase your impact? Find the answers to your questions to connect to Wharton as an alumnus and take advantage of the many benefits being part of the Wharton alumni community has to offer.
Ways to Give
Can’t find what you’re looking for? Contact The Wharton Fund at +1.215.898.7868 or
The University's Tax ID is 23-1352685. The fiscal year is July 1 - June 30.
Wharton External Affairs
Suite 500 FMC Tower
2929 Walnut Street
Philadelphia, PA 19104
Make checks payable to: “The Trustees of the University of Pennsylvania”
Please include your name (and your spouse’s name if applicable), affiliation(s) and how to allocate your gift (ex. The Wharton Fund).