WGES Quarterly E-Bulletin, July 2013

To my fellow Wharton Graduate Emeritus Alumni


“When the Devil decided that nothing would be done, he formed a committee.”

This quotation from Goethe’s Faust comes from one of Professor Bernie Cataldo’s lectures. Those of you who were lucky enough to have Bernie for Business Law may remember him as I do—with respect, with admiration, and with affection.

In my business and pro bono experience, there is a great deal of truth in this quotation. But it surely is not true in the case of the Wharton Graduate Emeritus Steering Committee. While Jack Smith, Chairman Emeritus, and I have gotten all the glory, these individuals have labored in the vineyards on your behalf. I have wanted to make them known to you, to share the work of their subcommittees, and to encourage you to offer ideas to make our organization stronger and maybe even volunteer (Jack likes that word, volunteer) to join one of our committees.

Our hard-charging Web Committee—Myron Weiner (chair), Quincy Williams, and Hank Janoski— have done an outstanding job in creating and constantly updating our Emeritus website. View their “road map” to help you get the most of the website: http://www.wharton.upenn.edu/alumni/emeritus-society/index.cfm

Our Social and Club Committee—Gene Dire (chair) and John Majane—have news of their own and encourage you to join your local Wharton Club. Save the date for our annual Homecoming Dinner which will be at the Waterworks Restaurant on Friday, November 8.

Our Alumni Outreach Committee—Grant Greapentrog (chair), Bob Blumenthal, Mary Lou Doherty, and John Majane—are looking for class correspondents for the Wharton MBA Classes of 1950, 1951, 1952, 1953, 1954, 1959, 1962, 1963, 1964, 1968, and 1969.

Lastly, we are looking for volunteers to serve in the 50th and 45th reunion committees, Wharton MBA Class of 1964 and 1969 respectively, to re-engage with and encourage classmates to attend reunion in Philadelphia in May, 2014. Please contact Helen Formanes at Formanes@wharton.upenn.edu if you are interested.

Best regards,

Carl Shaifer

WGES Chair