Who Should I Make Checks To?

Question: Who Should I Make Checks To? Answer: Make checks payable to “The Trustees of the University of Pennsylvania” At this time, we are asking that all checks be sent directly to the bank for processing. Please include your name (and your spouse's name if applicable), affiliation(s) and how toRead More

Why do gifts of all sizes matter?

Question: Why do gifts of all sizes matter? Answer: The power of The Wharton Fund lies in the energy of participation and gifts of all sizes are valuable contributions to its success. This collective abundance creates energy that moves the School forward by helping The Wharton Fund reach its goals.Read More

What is The Wharton Fund Loyalty Society?

Question: What is The Wharton Fund Loyalty Society? Answer: Wharton recognizes those donors who have given to The Wharton Fund – at any level – for three or more consecutive fiscal years as members of The Wharton Fund Loyalty Society. Loyalty Society members are Wharton’s most committed philanthropic champions whoRead More

What is the Benjamin Franklin Society?

Question: What is the Benjamin Franklin Society? Answer: The Benjamin Franklin Society (BFS) is the leadership unrestricted annual giving circle at the Wharton School. Members of the Society generously contribute $2,500 or more annually to The Wharton Fund. Recent MBA graduates, 0-4 years out, are able to join with giftsRead More

Who benefits from gifts to The Wharton Fund?

Question: Who benefits from gifts to The Wharton Fund? Answer: All of Wharton benefits from your generosity. Every Wharton student—graduate and undergraduate—benefits from resources The Wharton Fund provides, as do all Wharton faculty. Gifts to The Wharton Fund truly have a global reach, supporting Wharton’s campuses in Philadelphia and SanRead More

How is Wharton Fund support used?

Question: How is Wharton Fund support used? Answer: The Wharton Fund advances every aspect of the School’s mission and operation by supporting programs like the Semester in San Francisco and MBA Leadership Ventures, along with facility improvements and modernizations, and cutting-edge faculty research in areas like neuroscience. Resources from TheRead More

Why is unrestricted giving important?

Giving FAQs Button Question: Why is unrestricted giving important? Answer: While endowed gifts such as scholarships are important, unrestricted funds – like those raised by The Wharton Fund – are vital as they can be used when and where the School needs them most. The Wharton Fund allows the administration to respond toRead More