March 2022 – Edition 7

An archive photo from 1954 of Wharton’s first women students. Linda Garelik Leffert, W’58, is pictured second on the right. Photo credit: University Archives. March 2022 • Edition 7 In this edition, we honor Women’s History Month by highlighting accomplishments of women from the Wharton community. Read how Wharton women of today, and yesterday, are inspiring others; and how MBA Career Management supports the individual needs of alumnae. Also in this edition, celebrate WhartonRead More

*John D’Luhy, WG’59

John D'Luhy, Wg'59 John D’Luhy WG’59 Member of the Leadership Committee, Wharton Graduate Emeritus Society John D’Luhy was a 1955 graduate of Trinity College, Philadelphia, and continued his education at the Wharton School at the University of Pennsylvania. D’Luhy received his M.B.A. from Wharton in 1959. After leaving graduate school, D’Luhy joined MerrillRead More

Members Photo Gallery

Picture of Bob Natiello We want your photos from your Wharton MBA years all the way to the present!  Please send your digital photos (in jpeg format), with your name, class year, and a brief description of your photo to to add to the Members Photo Gallery. Click on the photo in thisRead More
Wharton School Logo We have always been interested in more generally understanding underlying strengths — performance evaluation, talent evaluation, these are very general challenges in the world. They are far more applicable outside of sports. The days when sports fans based their picks just on a hunch haven’t disappeared but they’re dwindling. Data-drivenRead More