Can I change the format of my Wharton alumni forwarding address?

Question: Can I change the format of my Wharton alumni forwarding address?  Answer: Changes to your alumni forwarding address are permitted under certain circumstances as long as the basic format – – is maintained. You may request appropriate changes by contacting  Please include the way your alumni forwarding email isRead More

*John (Jack) Smith, W’51, WG’52

Jack Smith, WG’52 When attending a Wharton Graduate Reunion Luncheon between 1998 and 2002, you’d undoubtedly find Jack Smith meeting informally with the 50 year Class. He loved a good time, but also had something on his mind — spreading the world about the ‘tea’ principle. His focus: MBA’s 50 years out haveRead More

*Milt Silver, WG’52

Milton Silver, EE'50, WG'52 It is hard to define the line between Milt’s role as a faculty member of Drexel University, where he served as Department Head of Management, and his ‘retirement’, to which he continued devoting his experience, knowledge and energy in developing and mentoring entrepreneurs. His focus is not only within DrexelRead More

*Matti K. Gershenfeld, WG’51

MATTI K. GERSHENFELD, WG’51 Dr. Matti Kibrick Gershenfeld, CW’46, WG’51, 83, a psychologist, died Nov. 9, 2008. She was a resident of Philadelphia. Gershenfeld graduated from Overbrook High School. She earned a bachelor’s degree from the University of Pennsylvania, a master’s degree from the Wharton School (the only woman in her class of 1951) andRead More