March 2023 • Edition 19

Alma Ledig, ED’1926, WG’1931, made history as Wharton's first female MBA graduate. March 2023 • Edition 19 In recognition of Women’s History Month, this edition of Wharton Impact highlights a history-making female graduate; profiles a tech innovator’s efforts to empower future leaders through a new MBA fellowship; and examines how women in data science are moving away from being underrepresented to thrivingRead More

February 2023 • Edition 18

Dean Erika James, in red, with WMYC Co-chairs Heather Jones, Erika Lawrence, Sierra Martin, and Elon Cornelius, WG'23, at left; and board members Larry Bailey, WG'76, and Lana Woods, WG'90, at right February 2023 • Edition 18 Wharton Impact is honoring Black History Month in this edition with three stories from the latest Whitney M. Young, Jr. Memorial Conference. Learn how to grow your legacy from alumni honoree David R. Jones, WG’93; read how the conference celebrates the importance of Black leadership;Read More

January 2023 • Edition 17

Dean Erika H. James is on the road with the Wharton Impact Tour. January 2023 • Edition 17 Start the new year by joining the Wharton Global Clubs Network! Learn how these clubs help not just create networking opportunities for alumni but also generate impact; read how women students are benefiting from McNulty Women's Roundtables; and see where on the road the WhartonRead More

Brothers in Arms and Entrepreneurship

Entrepreneurs Chase Hobby, WG'20, and Evan Seale, WG'20. Entrepreneurs Chase Hobby, WG'20, and Evan Seale, WG'20. Brothers in Arms and Entrepreneurship WHO THEY ARE: Chase Hobby, WG’20, and Evan Seale, WG’20, armed forces veterans who agree that their time in the military played a pivotal role in their desire to pursue entrepreneurship at Wharton. WHAT’S THEIR STORY: HobbyRead More

December 2022 – Edition 16

A person in a gray suit smiling in front of an outdoor basketball court with trees in the background. December 2022 • Edition 16 In this month’s edition, read about the School’s new equity and opportunity coalition; learn about the continued importance of human decision-making in the field of people analytics; and hear from Wharton undergraduate students who are recipients of life-changing scholarships. Wharton CEO: A Sustained Effort forRead More

November 2022 – Edition 15

A person in a white naval uniform and cap, speaking into a microphone, wearing a Medal of Honor around their neck. November 2022 • Edition 15 In this month’s special edition honoring Veterans Day learn about Medal of Honor recipient and Wharton Executive MBA graduate Edward Byers Jr., WG’21; hear how combat veteran Ben Crovella, WG’15, engages with Wharton veterans; and find out how Wharton supports veterans from their time asRead More

October 2022 – Edition 14

Wharton's Stevens Center for Innovation in Finance Leads Development of Penn’s First NFT October 2022 • Edition 14 In this edition, read about Dean Erika James’s vision for Wharton; learn about a new initiative to improve the management of chronic kidney disease; and find out how Penn Medicine memorialized its scientific breakthroughs addressing COVID-19. Acknowledging Hope, Optimism, and Opportunity Dean Erika James's fallRead More

Cait Lamberton Named Inaugural Alberto I. Duran President’s Distinguished Professor at the Wharton School

Picture of Cait Lamberton, Alberto I. Duran President’s Distinguished Professor Cait Lamberton Named Inaugural Alberto I. Duran President's Distinguished Professor at the Wharton School Philadelphia, PA, October 23, 2019 — Penn President Amy Gutmann and Wharton Dean Geoff Garrett are pleased to announce the appointment of Cait Lamberton as the inaugural Alberto I. Duran President’s Distinguished Professor at the WhartonRead More

New Professorship Established by Nancy Yang, W’92 to be Awarded to Angela Duckworth at the University of Pennsylvania

Nancy Yang, W’92 New Professorship Established by Nancy Yang, W’92 to be Awarded to Angela Duckworth at the University of Pennsylvania Philadelphia, PA, May 4, 2020 — Penn President Amy Gutmann, Wharton Dean Geoffrey Garrett, and Penn Arts & Sciences Dean Steven J. Fluharty are pleased to announce the establishment of the RosaRead More

September 2022 – Edition 13

Photo of 2001 Wharton MBA Alumni" September 2022 • Edition 13 In this month’s edition, read about Wharton’s success today and its trajectory for the future; learn about a new mentoring program for burgeoning entrepreneurs; and find out how the Prism Fellowship is delivering on diversity, equity, and inclusion. Wharton’s Success Story Is Onward — andRead More