2017 – Challenge Winners and Nominees

crandall challenge winner receiving award 2017 - Crandall Challenge Citation Winners Charles Decker, WG'64Michael Wallace, WG’65Charles Decker, WG'64 Charles Decker, WG'64 New York City and Dominican Republic Charlie had a notable career in advertising and marketing with BBDO Advertising, Quaker Oats and Warner Brothers.Upon ‘retirement’, he started living in the Dominican Republic half-time in 2004Read More

With Leadership Committee Member Eugene Aaron, WG’73

Ronny Lancaster, WG’75, Eugene Aaron, WG’73, Merritt Brown, WG’74 and Campbell Johnson WG’73 art a lunch in Washington, DC. With Leadership Committee Member Eugene Aaron, WG’73 Eugene reunited four distinguished Wharton Grads: Ronny Lancaster, WG’75, Eugene Aaron, WG’73, Merritt Brown, WG’74 and Campbell Johnson WG’73 art a lunch in Washington, DC. “The group dove into a rich tapestry of careers that spanned decades. (Wharton Magazine, Fall Winter 2024, p.78)

WGES Spotlight Guillermo Schmidhuber WG’71

Guillermo Schmidhuber, WG’71 WGES Spotlight Mexico’s Leading Playwright Mexico’s leading playright, Guillermo Schmidhuber, WG’71, is a professor at the University of Guadalajara, the second largest university in Mexico. Previously, he taught at the University of Louisville and the University of Kentucky from 1986 to 1993. Schmidhuber served as the cultural attaché for the MexicanRead More

Wharton Graduate Class Reunion – May 18, 2024

A group of six older adults, all wearing suits, standing in a room with large windows and wooden paneling. One person is using a cane. They are likely attending an event or gathering. Wharton Graduate Class Reunion - May 18, 2024 Leadership Committee Members of the Wharton Graduate Emeritus Society at the May 2024 Graduate Class Reunion Dinner, Announcing the Crandall Citation Awards for 2024 (from left to right: “Rick” Perkins, WG’70, “Pete” Peterson, WG56, Cliff Leventhal, WG’56, McClain Gordon, WG’73, Jack Holton,Read More

2024 – Challenge Winners and Nominees

13 people standing and smiling 2024 Crandall Challenge Citation Winners John Campbell, WG’78John Edwards, WG’72John Campbell, WG’78 John Campbell, WG’78 New York, NY John Campbell’s Wharton education provided the basis for a very successful career on Wall Street, which in turn provided the opportunity to learn the lesson that ‘some of the greatest contributions toRead More

2023 – Challenge Winners and Nominees

carmen hill and man pictured 2023 Crandall Challenge Citation Winners Sivaporn Dardarananda, WG’70Carmen Hill, WG’74Gerald Rothstein, WG’65Sivaporn Dardarananda, WG’70 Sivaporn Dardarananda, WG’70 Bangkok, Thailand Once finished with his career as an investment banker, Sivaporn became Chair of the Rama IX Art Museum Foundation dedicated to the promotion of modern art. He is the long timeRead More

2022 – Challenge Winners and Nominees

Four Crandall challenge winners 2022 Crandall Challenge Citation Winners Robert Crawford, WG'63George 'Chip' Fisher IV WG'64Robert Crawford, WG'63 Robert Crawford, WG'63 Lake Forest, IL Robert founded Neighborhood Entrepreneurship Lab (NEL) in Chicago in 2017.  Paired with non-profit lender, NEL works with entrepreneurs from disadvantaged communities providing mentoring, business plan awards, capital.  Currently there are  20Read More

2021 – Challenge Winners and Nominees

10 crandall challenge winners and nominees 2021 Crandall Challenge Citation Winners Malcolm Bund, WG'74David Nevins, WG'70Malcolm Bund, WG'74 Malcolm Bund, WG'74 San Deigo, CA My private equity group bought Precision Alternator and Starter. Thereafter I started a private/public sector non-profit to provide transportation to the needy, Vehicles for Change (VFC).  VFC has been a home run.  Today,Read More

2020 – Challenge Winners and Nominees

2020 Crandall Challenge Winners at 2024 MBA Reunion. 2020 Crandall Challenge Citation Winners Reid Becker, WG'74Filemon Berba, WG'64Russell Redenbaugh, WG’69William Sands, WG’66Reid Becker, WG'74 Reid Becker, WG'74 Zirconia, NC Reid’s career  included  starting his own medical diagnostic business.  When he  ‘retired’ , he become part of a STEAM Tech Team, volunteers who work to support  Science, Technology, EngineeringRead More