Wharton Women’s Circles

Wharton Alumni Benefits Button Wharton Women’s Circles is a School-facilitated program aimed at cultivating meaningful connections among alumnae. Circles are small groups that meet on a monthly basis to support and empower each other. For more information, see the Women’s Circles FAQs.  < Back

What is my personal alumni forwarding address?

Question: What is my personal alumni forwarding address?  Answer: Look up your personal alumni forwarding address in MyPenn, the online alumni directory. You can access MyPenn with your PennKey. In your  Contact Information section, find your  "Wharton Alumni Forwarding Email" under "Email Addresses." Follow the linked text to update the destination email for your forwardingRead More

What is the format of the Wharton Alumni forwarding address?

Question: What is the format of the Wharton Alumni forwarding address? Answer: Alumni forwarding addresses include your first and last name and must include your graduation year. Here are some sample examples:  MBA Student: Josephina.Wharton.WG21@wharton.upenn.edu  Undergraduate Student: Joseph.Wharton.WH21@wharton.upenn.edu  PhD Students: Jo.Wharton.WP21@wharton.upenn.edu  < Back

Can I change the format of my Wharton alumni forwarding address?

Question: Can I change the format of my Wharton alumni forwarding address?  Answer: Changes to your alumni forwarding address are permitted under certain circumstances as long as the basic format – first_name.last_name.grad_year@wharton.upenn.edu – is maintained. You may request appropriate changes by contacting alumni.relations@wharton.upenn.edu.  Please include the way your alumni forwarding email isRead More