Jack SmithA lovely dedication to the late Jack Smith — our WGES founder and Wharton undergraduate and MBA alumnus — took place on September 20 on Penn’s campus. The dedication took place across Huntsman Hall on Locust Walk, where a new park bench with an inscribed plaque was installed. A photo of Jack added a warm touch to the dedication. The bench and plaque were made possible through the generous contributions of WGES Steering Committee Members, the Smith family, and friends.

The memorial occurred on a beautiful day. Comments came from steering committee members Kevin Woelflein and Carl Schaifer; Jack Smith’s son, Ford Smith; the Wharton School’s Beth Morris and Helen Formanes; and led by WGES Chair Tom Hadlock. In addition to Ford, the Smith children were represented by Gere McKenna, Ashley Smith with spouse Jack Holton, and Field Smith and his wife Mary. Lizann Rode from Penn’s Office of the University Secretary was also a special guest. After the memorial service, the group had an excellent lunch at the nearby White Dog Café.

It was truly an outstanding day full of pride for the dedication and our ability to honor the life of Jack Smith.