Prof. Cade Massey Explains the Analytics Behind His NFL Rankings/How Data Science Led This Undergrad to Business Analytics

Illustration of Person Running We have always been interested in more generally understanding underlying strengths — performance evaluation, talent evaluation, these are very general challenges in the world. They are far more applicable outside of sports. The days when sports fans based their picks just on a hunch haven’t disappeared but they’re dwindling. Data-drivenRead More

At the Whiteboard with Chris Geczy

Chris Geczy Is diversification dead? Not entirely, but with the democratization of Modern Portfolio Theory it’s not your father’s 60/40 world anymore. The key insight of Modern Portfolio Theory (MPT): Don’t weigh an asset’s risk independently, but by how it contributes to the portfolio’s overall risk. MPT, the brainchild of economists Harry MarkowitzRead More

Ken Moelis and Julie Taffet Moelis Advance Access Program Creates New Pathways to and Financial Aid for the Wharton MBA

Ken Moelis and Julie Taffet Moelis Philadelphia, PA, March 28, 2017 — The Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania is pleased to announce that Ken Moelis, W’80, WG’81, and Julie Taffet Moelis, W’81, have made a $10 million gift to establish the Ken Moelis and Julie Taffet Moelis Advance Access Program, a deferred admission opportunity thatRead More