Bobby and Lauren Turner Deepen Their Commitment to the Wharton Social Impact Initiative

Bobby and Lauren Turner Bobby and Lauren Turner Philadelphia, PA, September 23, 2020 — The Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania is pleased to announce a $2.5 million commitment from undergraduate alumni Bobby Turner, W’84 and Lauren Golub Turner, W’85 to sustain and strengthen the MIINT (MBA Impact Investing Network & Training) program,Read More

$10 Million Gift from Foundation Established by Yuri and Julia Milner Creates Full-Tuition MBA Fellowship for Israeli Wharton Students

Yuri Milner speaking at lectern during Wharton Commencement Yuri Milner speaking at lectern during Wharton Commencement Philadelphia, PA, September 15, 2020 — Penn President Amy Gutmann and Wharton Dean Erika H. James are pleased to announce a $10 million commitment from the foundation established by Wharton MBA alumnus Yuri Milner and his wife Julia, to create the FriendsRead More

Leadership Gift to Accelerate Neuroscience at Wharton and Create Actionable Insights in Brain Science and Business

Neuroscience at Wharton Philadelphia, PA, May 19, 2020 — Wharton Dean Geoffrey Garrett is delighted to announce an anonymous $10 million gift to amplify opportunities and outcomes of the cutting edge Wharton Neuroscience Initiative (WiN). This commitment will propel faculty research and teaching, student learning, and corporate engagement through WiN. “WiN isn’t narrowlyRead More

Wharton School Receives $5 Million to Launch Artificial Intelligence for Business, Extending Its Commitment to Analytics, Learning, and Engagement

artificial intelligence graphic Led by AI expert Kartik Hosanagar, AI for Business will explore impact to industries and society Tao Zhang, WG’02 The Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania announced today the establishment of Wharton AI for Business (Artificial Intelligence for Business), which will inspire cutting-edge teaching and research in artificial intelligence, while joining with globalRead More